Custom event meta fields

Meta fields can be used capture additional details about your clients' events.


Custom meta fields are associated with events, but can be populated via automations or planning forms. These meta fields can be used in documents, planning forms, custom reports, and automations.

Planning Form

Meta fields are particularly useful for planning forms. You can configure planning forms to update meta fields on an event, and and also use meta fields from events to further personalize planning forms. To configure planning forms to write meta fields to events, you simply need to enable the "Save response to event meta" option on the planning form field:

To use meta fields within planning forms, you can access the [event.meta.XXXX] property. Add the specific tag in the field's label, placeholder, or default value:

You can also use fields within notes on planning forms:


As always, you can use tags in invoices and contracts. For example, if you want to list a venue contact name in your contracts:


You can also use custom meta fields in your automations. For example you can use meta fields in your query conditions:

You can also use the meta fields as a value for updates or other automation actions (e.g. emails):

But more importantly, you can also assign meta fields using the "Set event custom meta field" action:

This automation action will "upsert" your meta fields. If the meta field already exists, it will be updated. If it does not already exist, it will be created.

Custom Reports

Finally, you can use meta fields within custom reports as a condition or filter:

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